EVENT | Free Herbalism Project hosted by Mountain Rose Herbs

In today's episode I'm talking about the upcoming event hosted by Mountain Rose Herbs: The Free Herbalism Project. 

This FREE EVENT is taking place this weekend, Sunday October 15, 2017 at the Mount Pisgah Arboretum in Eugene, OR. 

This time they're hosting two fantastic guest speakers, Kathleen Maier and Rosalee de la Forêt. These two amazing herbalists are not to be missed! 

The Free Herbalism Project is an interactive community event with botanically inspired lectures from experts in the field, live music, vendors and plenty of free organic herbal tea! Our goal is to create a remarkable experience for those who wish to delve further into the world of herbalism, wild foods, and natural living. It is one of the ways in which Mountain Rose Herbs hopes to give back to herbalists and our local community.
— Mountain Rose Herbs

Here's the day's schedule!

11:45am - 12:30pm Live music with Corwin Bolt and the Wingnuts

12:30am - 2:15pm Rosalee de la Forêt - The Language of Herbs

2:15pm - 2:45pm Live music with Corwin Bolt and the Wingnuts

2:45pm - 4:30pm Kathleen Maier - Introduction to Western Energetic Herbalism 

4:30pm - 5pm Live music with Corwin Bolt and the Wingnuts

We hope y'all can join us!