Join herbalist Katolen Yardley as she explores the use of tonic herbs as delicious and nutritious edibles added into daily food recipes, including herbal vinegars, snacks, nutrition bars and desserts. She covers some general actions of these herbs, chemical constituents, dosage and therapeutic applications of herbal ingredients, benefits of powdered herbs and discusses various recipes for daily and safe use. This was recorded at the 2017 NorthWest Herb Symposium.
This episode is brought to you by the NorthWest Herb Symposium. Their next event is going to be held on August 23 - 26, 2018 in beautiful Coupeville, WA. For more info you can visit
Katolen is a Medical Herbalist and member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists. Since 2000 Katolen has operated her private practice in Vancouver and Port Moody, BC, Canada and offers online consultations throughout North America. Her personal interest in health lies with the emotional connection to wellness and dis-ease. She specializes in women’s health issues, skin dis-ease, digestive and nervous system disorders and believes in providing usable tools for healing through inspiration and education. She is the author of the book ~ The Good Living Guide to Natural and Herbal Remedies and is an instructor and clinic supervisor at Dominion Herbal College. For more info on her you can visit
“This book was inspired by the urgent need to recognize the value of mother earth and the plants which she grows- both serving as our foods and also our medicines. We reach for what is familiar! That which we use daily -those very habits which we see our family repeating daily, is what we will likely repeat as adults; routines which we likely will pass along to our next generation. It is essential to remember the importance of clean soil, clean air and the accessibility of healing plants, both as our foods and as our medicines. This book is a small tool for the remembering of the value of our plants and how to apply herbs as medicines for common first aid. Contained inside are herbal medicine recipes for common health issues and non toxic, chemical free body care as well as instructions for preparing your own herbal medicines at home.”