Ecological Herb Walk with Betzy Bancroft | 19

This class was recorded at the superb event: The Great Lakes Herb Faire

If you've not been and you're in the region, I encourage you to try and make it to the 2018 shindig. Here's the details:

Great Lakes Herb Faire
September 7 - 9, 2018
Cedar Lake Outdoor Center,
2500 Pierce Rd, Chelsea, Michigan

We have had three amazing Faires so far and are so looking forward to doing this again! The feedback we received from people who attended was overwhelmingly positive. People were excited to network and meet other herbalists in their communities, learn directly from teachers rather than relying on books, and walk the trails on the surrounding land meeting the herbs in person. There were many kids attending and we heard from parents and the kids themselves that they couldn’t wait to come back next year! There was amazing energy from everyone, the food was delicious and the marketplace was loaded with fantastic herbal creations.
— Anna Fernandez

I had the great fortune of attending the 2017 Faire (as a representative for Mountain Rose Herbs) and I concur on all of that. And yes, the food was phenomenal! 

If interested in purchasing recordings from the 2016 and 2017 Faires (for a great price) you can do so here>> RECORDINGS

I also ended up going on this epic plant walk with Betzy Bancroft!

Thanks to Anna and Betzy for letting me share it on the HerbRally podcast. 

I hope y'all enjoy it! I think it's fun to listen to plant walks personally. Especially as we head into the winter. Takes me back to that beautiful September day in Michigan :)

Here's the description for the walk from the website:

Developing a deep understanding of a few common weeds helps us save the native and less common species for special needs. On this walk we’ll include discussion of the abundance or ecological concerns of the herbs we meet, in addition to the medicinal and edible uses. And probably spend a lot of time on a few common weeds . . . . 


A little bit about Betzy...

Betzy Bancroft, RH(AHG) is a teacher, clinical herbalist, gardener, craftsperson and environmentalist who’s had a deep appreciation for the magic of plants since childhood. As Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism's co-director and core faculty, Betzy provides the earth element to the organization’s staff. Plants are truly her friends, and she feels ever inspired by the natural world—all its varied beings and the amazing interconnections and beauty that make up the great web of life. 

